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The Dragon's Nest is located at 27b Pallant Street in northeastern Ankh-Morpork, just east of Water Street and south-east from the Rat-Hole.


Map courtesy of Kefka. Please visit http://daftjunk.com/dw/ for more of his great maps.


TAXI Transportation Service 

Hail a Taxi. For the low price of a$5 members of the Taxi club will meet you at one location and transport you to another. Ask them if they have The Dragon's Nest on Pallant in Ankh-Morpork as one of their locations.

Remember to use 'who taxi' not qwho to see which ones are currently on duty.


Travel By Foot

You can use the following aliases to quickly travel to and from The Dragon's Nest.

Note: The aliases are for outside the locations, ie outside the Mended Drum and outside the Dragon's Nest shop.


To and from the Drum to the Dragon's Nest.

alias tr-drum-dragon e; n; n; e; e; e; ne; ne; ne; ne; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; nw; nw; n; n; nw; n; n; ne; e; n; n; n; n; ne; n; n; se; e; n; ne; e; e; e; e; e; e; e; se; e; ne; e; e; e; ne; e; e; e; e; e; ne
alias tr-dragon-drum sw; w; w; w; w; w; sw; w; w; w; sw; w; nw; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; sw; s; w; nw; s; s; sw; s; s; s; s; w; sw; s; s; se; s; s; se; se; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; sw; sw; sw; sw; w; w; w; s; s; w


To and from the Rat Hole to the Dragon's Nest.

alias tr-rathole-dragon s; sw; s; e; ne
alias tr-dragon-rathole sw; w; n; ne; n


To and from the Thieves' Guild to the Dragon's Nest.

alias tr-tg-dragon s; e; e; e; se; se; se; ne; ne; ne; ne; ne; ne; ne; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; ne;  n; n; ne; ; n; ne; n; ne; n; n; ne; n; ne; n; ne; n; e; ne
alias tr-dragon-tg sw; w; s; sw; s; sw; s; sw; s; s; sw; s; sw; s; sw; s; s; sw; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; sw; sw; sw; sw; sw; sw; sw; nw; nw; nw; w; w; w; n


To and from the UU Gates on Sator Square to the Dragon's Nest.

alias tr-uu-dragon ne; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; n; ne; n; n; ne; ; n; ne; n; ne; n; n; ne; n; ne; n; ne; n; e; ne
alias tr-dragon-uu sw; w; s; sw; s; sw; s; sw; s; s; sw; s; sw; s; sw; s; s; sw; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; s; sw



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